Information on the implementation of projects co-financed by EU funds and the state budget
In 2009 – 2011 Chemoprojekt, a.s. successfully implemented the investment project INNOVATION with subsidy from SF EU No. 4.1 IN02 / 100 The introduction of the production of a generic platinum complex aimed at introducing the results of R & D from project 2A-2TP1 / 049 – Research and development of platinum complexes with non-differentiated aminoligandes and their platinum synthetic intermediates, into production. It is a highly productive intermediate for the production of modern chemotherapeutic drugs for the treatment of a wider spectrum of cancer.
Between 2014 and 2015, Chemoprojekt, a.s. realized project co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund and the Ministry of Industry and Trade within the Operational Program Enterprise and Innovation (OPPI) under the title “Laboratory equipment incl. NDT Testing “, application number 4.2 PT03 / 1316. It is an investment in acquisition of development and testing equipment, software and unique non-destructive testing technology. These facilities are also used in research and development activities of the company.
Kids and junior tennis advancement organisation
Kids and Junior Tennis Advancement Organisation was established to develop and support tennis in the Czech Republic, especially the youth tennis, in categories such as kids (up to 10 years of age), juniors (up to 18 years of age), than at the most up to age of 20 years.
Goals of Kids and Junior Tennis Advancement Organisation:
- tennis recruitment of youth
- development of tennis players on the highest performance and representation levels
- support of facilities offering tennis preparation for selected players
Summer camp
Since 1962, Chemoprojekt, a.s. is supporting the summer camp VPT Lipno for children of Chemoprojekt’s employees and its partners and clients. This camp offers summer relaxation in the nature near the dam Lipno together with water rafting on the river Vltava. The camp is aimed at water rafting training in the dam, later trying it in practice on the river Vltava. There is no electricity and all kids are involved to help in the camp, e.g. with cooking, cleaning, wood collecting, etc. The camp site on the bank of dam Lipno is currently in the property of Chemoprojekt, a.s..
Nabízíme Vám možnost pronájmu volných kancelářských místností:
1. na adrese:
Chemoprojekt, a.s.
Třebohostická 3069/14
100 00 Praha 10
Kontaktní osoba:
p. Petr Pelc
Email: ppelc@chemoprojekt.cz
Mobil: 606 961 211
Výhodami pronájmu místností v naší budově jsou:
- Notářská kancelář
- Jídelna s větším výběrem menu
- Reprografické středisko
- Vlastní parkovací místa v areálu objektu
2. na adrese:
Chemoprojekt, a.s.
Ruská 945
436 01 Litvínov
Kontaktní osoba:
Ing. Jana Vilhelmová
Email: jvilhelmova@chemoprojekt.cz
mobil: 602 148 837
3. na adrese:
Koruna Palace Management a.s.
Václavské náměstí 1
110 00 Praha 1
Kontaktní osoba:
Ing. Petra Stachová
Email: petra.stachova@koruna-palace.cz
mobil: 733 690 301